Monday, April 27, 2009

pug fight

a wonderful little video to enjoy. here is my little pug Mimi and her new foster brother Freddie doing what they do 58% of the time. they really love to be with each other and it's often followed by a lot of kisses.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

is there a pug toothfairy?

Well my little Mimi went to have her teeth cleaned last week and well the gum disease was so bad that she had 4 teeth removed. Seeing as i'm a dental hygienist, you would think that i would brush my dogs teeth but brushing their teeth is like well.....pulling teeth. (pun intended) also with pugs they have such and underbite that they never use their front teeth to chew with (that was the majority of missing teeth) she lost 2 on her own before the cleaning. And as i'm sure you are all interested, here is a pic of said teeth that were removed. note the dark tarter on the teeth. (ps, i did bleach them so they are disinfected) and here is my little mimi a lot happier with fresh breath and missing sore teeth.